Tuesday, August 11, 2015

TASK: Turning Points and Achievements

  • Read Nelson Mandela's Biography and identify the turning points and achievements. List them in two groups in one new post in your blog. When you finish we will have an open class discussion.
  • Read a biography of your choice and identify the turning points and achievements as above.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015


Write timeline for:

1. Fred Hollows - refer to his bio in the class blog
2. Nelson Mandela - refer to his bio in the class blog
3. Famous Aboriginal person - refer to Koori History and choose one famous person

Have Fun!


Sometimes, a biography describes a person's life from birth to death. At other times, the writer concentrates on a particular period in a person's life. We will be reading biographies of famous Australians and other people. We will be practising completing a time line, making notes of key points as events, turning points and achievements.
Assessment Task - Reading a Biography of a Famous Perso


Welcome to EFS reading class where you can improve and advance your reading and writing skills. Hope you will enjoy blogging as well which can give you an opportunity to practise in your own time and at your own pace beyond the classroom. You will be able to access lots of resources provided for you by your teacher. You can also interact with your teacher and your classmates online and be able to view their work and give feedback. Enjoy it...